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Híbridos Diversos
Híbridos Diversos

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Bc. Pastoral ´Innocence`

R$ 68,00

Blc. Almakee ´Tipmalee`

R$ 58,00

Blc. Black Motion

R$ 55,00

Blc. Bonanza x Blc. Normans Prophesy

R$ 55,00

Blc. Boonyarit - Yen 24 Carat

R$ 55,00

Blc. Bruno Bruno

R$ 55,00

Blc. Chia Lin ´Golden Super`

R$ 150,00

Blc. Chian-Tzy General `Samuel´

R$ 55,00

Blc. Chinese Beauty `Orchi Queen´

R$ 58,00

Blc. Chunyeah ´Tzeng-Wen`

R$ 58,00

 Blc. Chyong Guu Chaffinch

R$ 58,00

 Blc. Crownfield ´Mendelhall`

R$ 60,00

 Blc. Chyong Guu Ruby Lip

R$ 65,00


 Blc. Edisto `Newberry´

R$ 55,00

 Blc. Erin Kobayashi x Blc. Chunyeah 17

R$ 65,00

 Blc. Hsinying Sunset Ta-Hsien

R$ 64,90

 Blc. João Paulo Fontes

R$ 58,00

 Blc. Keowee Galaxy IV

R$ 58,00

 Blc. Kure Beach ´Lenette`

R$ 60,00

 Blc. Miriam Suzuki

R$ 60,00

 Blc. Orglade Grand

R$ 70,00

 Blc. Ports of Paradise FCC x Blc. (Mem. Helen Brown-Toshie Aoki)

R$ 60,00

Blc. Sanyang Ruby ´Kuan Luau`

R$ 65,00 

 Blc. Taiwan Queen ´King´s Monkey'

R$ 60,00

 Blc. Varut Star Track `Splash´


 C. Confetti

R$ 58,00

 C. dowiana x Blc. Jane Helton

R$ 65,00

 C. Hawaiian Wedding Song ´Virgin`


 C. Moscombe ´Susan`


 C. Pão de Açucar

R$ 62,00

Lc. Amber Glow X Lc. Royal Emperor

R$ 64,00

Lc. Bethume ´Indigo`

R$ 65,00

 Lc. Color Guard ´Parade`

R$ 65,00

Lc. Excellency ´Orchidglade´

R$ 70,00

Lc. Fire Ning ´Lavander Kiss`

R$ 60,00

Lc. Gila Winderness ´Grandeur`

R$ 65,00

Lc. Irene Finney x Lc. Anna Reis `Winterfeld´

R$ 60,00

Lc. Lina Cavalieri `Perfecta´ x B. nodosa `Lady of the Night´

R$ 58,00

Lc. Lisa Ann x Blc. Norman´s Bay

R$ 60,00

Lc. Magic Bell New Trick

R$ 64,90

Lc. Melody Fair `Mishima´ x Lc. Stape Zuinho `Happy Bell´

R$ 60,00

Lc. Mem. Robert Strait ´Blue Hawaii'

R$ 65,00

Lc. Netrasiri Doll


Lc. Netrasiri Waxy

R$ 65,00

Lc. Nobile´s Virgin

R$ 60,00

Lc. Red Empress x Lc. Shellie Compton

R$ 64,00

Lc. Remo Prada `Crown´

R$ 60,00

Lc. Suzuki´s Golden Splash Titan

R$ 60,00

Lc. Tropical Pointer ´Cheetah`

R$ 48,00

Portia coerulea Floralia

R$ 60,00

 Pot. Ching Hwa Flame ´Red Rose`

R$ 55,00

 Pot. Exotic Dream

R$ 65,00

 Pot. Exotic Dream ´NSA`

R$ 65,00

Pot. Golden Tang

R$ 60,00 

Pot. Jim Krull `Hunabu´

R$ 60,00

Pot. Little Toshie

R$ 60,00

Pot. Red Crab x Blc. Chunyeah

R$ 60,00

Pot. Salmon Splendor x Blc. Chunyeah 17

R$ 60,00

Pot. Spanish Eyes

R$ 60,00

Slc. Vallezac ´Evelyn´

R$ 60,00